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Eclipse 2017 Research - Shortest Routes to the Centerline

Here are the shortest routes to the path of totality and the drive times to get the path from all major cites. It is interesting to note that no matter where you live in the United States, it will take no more than a day to drive to the path. In the path is where you need to be see nature's greatest spectacle - a near total darkness during mid-day!

So, do try to get to the centerline if you can. And try to get there well in advance of eclipse time. Traffic may be heavy.

More information on eclipse planning for each of these cities can be found here:
Eclipse Planning Info.

For eclipse research on the areas most likely to have clear skies, see:
Eclipse 2017 Research - Past Weather - Satellite Images.

"The Total Solar Eclipse will take place on August 21, 2017. On this day hundreds of US cities will plunge into near total darkness during mid-day when the moon's shadow traverses over 170,000 square miles of land! A total solar eclipse of this magnitude has not happened in the United States in 99 years! Don't miss it!"
-Stephen Aman

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The shortest routes from all major cities to the centerline are shown below.

The estimated drive times to the centerline are shown below.

From "The Great American" - and

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